Our Story

Florence, Italy
Our shoes connect us to the Earth upon which we live. They aid us in making our journeys more comfortable, and at the same time form the foundation of our identity. In this age where borders have less and less significance in which humanity stands on the cusp of dissolving artificial barriers and frontiers, when the old paradigms of home, village, tribe and borders become increasingly irrelevant- as we walk boldly into the digital revolution we- with our nomadic instincts and heritage are returning to something primal- that motive force that keeps us questing – while at the same time shattering the confines drawn on artificially imposed borders, maps and limits.
KERRIE LUFTS' life has, to a great extent, been shaped by her lack of roots, leading her on a quest- a journey.

"My life has, to a great extent, been shaped by my lack of roots, leading me on a quest- a journey."
Not satisfied with standing still she broke the mould and set out across the world to purse her dreams to create for others something that would give them a different type of ‘roots’- footwear.
Craftsmanship, Made in Italy